The Brick Wall School of Enlightenment. Bang your skull on that wall long enough and you might learn something. Bang it really hard and you are probably a frustrated knitter. Knitting content does happen once in a great while. Bitching happens a lot more frequently. Sooner or latter we all get enlightened.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Three Jelly Babies
Jelly Baby in Progress

This is the small sized Jelly Baby I am currently working on.
This purple Jelly Baby is the large one.
As soon as I get this little guy done, I will have a picture up of all three sizes, and get the pattern written out in a somewhat coherant fashion.
I started making these guys after I managed to talk Mr. Gothric out of the Doctor Who scarf that he thought he wanted me to knit...until he remembered that he is always hot and never wears scarves anyway...and I would rather be boiled in my own pudding than knit ANYTHING over 12 feet long ever again.
I will be content with knitting Doctor Who's power food.
Happy Knitting, Folks.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Big Thompson River-Trading Post View
Big Thompson River taken August 23, 2008
This picture was taken from the little foot bridge that sits behind The Indian Trading Post, about half way down the Thompson Canyon.
The owner's have always been gracious hosts and allowed us to access their private bridge so we could take good pictures of my beloved river.
(Thanks guys!)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Cell Phone Weirdness
Friday, August 22, 2008
Big Thompson River
Estes Park, CO
August 22, 2008
Yeah, I know cell phone pictures suck.
I don't really have words for Estes Park.
This is the place where we spent most of our free time when I was a little kid.
I haven't been here in 30 years, yet there are some things that I remember like it was yesterday.
Estes Park
With any luck I will be posting a few pictures from the cell phone today.
This is the town that we went to nearly every weekend when I was a little kid.
At one time we lived in the canyon just down the river....many years ago.
We moved to California not too long after the Big Thompson Disaster...but more on that event later.
Happy trails, folks.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Psssst!! What's my password?
All hail the work computer.
I'll be travelling next week so I might actually have something to say for once.
Until then...what's my password?