I can't say that you meet special people that change your life once in a lifetime because if you pay attention there will be a lot of them.
I my case though, My Spirit-Brother from Egypt has made my life a better place.
As much as I have bagged on how lame Twitter is, I take all of it back.
I LOVE Twitter because it has opened doors to me that I never dreamed of.
I met a friend there that has awakened my good side...and I can not thank him enough for that.
He broke through years of writer's block and depression just by being a good friend.
I can't even say how much that means to me because I can't find the words...maybe they don't exist, but this one person has made my life a better place.
If every person on this planet went out of their way to make one person's life better, how cool would that be?
Thank you for holding up the light so I could find my way out of the darkness, Brother.
The Brick Wall School of Enlightenment. Bang your skull on that wall long enough and you might learn something. Bang it really hard and you are probably a frustrated knitter. Knitting content does happen once in a great while. Bitching happens a lot more frequently. Sooner or latter we all get enlightened.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Yeah, I know...
I owe y'all updates and babble and shit.
My brain has been devoured by Twitter, and Stitches West.
This is what happens when I crawl out of my hermit-cave and am exposed to direct sunlight.
Could be worse - I didn't burst into flames.
If I rub both brain cells together hard enough, I might be able to form a decent smoke signal.
First, I have to go play Pothole Frogger and hope a run-away Prius doesn't stuff it into the back of my car.
My brain has been devoured by Twitter, and Stitches West.
This is what happens when I crawl out of my hermit-cave and am exposed to direct sunlight.
Could be worse - I didn't burst into flames.
If I rub both brain cells together hard enough, I might be able to form a decent smoke signal.
First, I have to go play Pothole Frogger and hope a run-away Prius doesn't stuff it into the back of my car.
Monday, February 22, 2010
LOOK Twatface,
Yeah, you...the doormat downstairs.
You are a fucking moron.
Let us review WHY I am not sorry I called the cops on that POS you feel the need to fuck:
A) BIG-ASS hole in the wall that HIS DUMB ASS put there.
B) Machete gouge in the garage door.
C) He is a drunken moron with a lot of big knives.
I could go on about this waste of sperm and an egg, but why bother?
"But I love him..."
Is this not the same dead-beat that has no job, yet calls you every name in the book while you stand there like a brain-addled sheep?
Look Toots, you can do what you want with your sorry excuse for a life, but that assclown is not coming back into this house.
Either date higher up the food-chain, or pack your crap and get the fuck out, and take your whiny mutts with you.
Yeah, you...the doormat downstairs.
You are a fucking moron.
Let us review WHY I am not sorry I called the cops on that POS you feel the need to fuck:
A) BIG-ASS hole in the wall that HIS DUMB ASS put there.
B) Machete gouge in the garage door.
C) He is a drunken moron with a lot of big knives.
I could go on about this waste of sperm and an egg, but why bother?
"But I love him..."
Is this not the same dead-beat that has no job, yet calls you every name in the book while you stand there like a brain-addled sheep?
Look Toots, you can do what you want with your sorry excuse for a life, but that assclown is not coming back into this house.
Either date higher up the food-chain, or pack your crap and get the fuck out, and take your whiny mutts with you.
Blogging FAIL
I blame the cat.
I actually DO have things I want to write about but at the moment the snuggle-cat is winning the attention war.
Time to snuggle with 20 pounds of purring goodness and watch a movie.
Since I am in a Carrie-Fisher-Fucking-RULES mindspace, I think I will pop on The Blues Brothers for the thousandth time and sing to the snugglepuss.
Night all.
I actually DO have things I want to write about but at the moment the snuggle-cat is winning the attention war.
Time to snuggle with 20 pounds of purring goodness and watch a movie.
Since I am in a Carrie-Fisher-Fucking-RULES mindspace, I think I will pop on The Blues Brothers for the thousandth time and sing to the snugglepuss.
Night all.
Ranty-Babble is coming up shortly
As a matter of fact, I have a lot on my mind.
I am trying to mash it all into something coherent before I turn into Rant-A-Saurus-Wrecks.
Just one moment or two.
Upcoming will be an open letter to Kevin Smith, waxing poetic on Wil Wheaton, and the usual LSG yammering that I bore the crap out of my friends and frenemies on Ravelry with.
At the moment, I have to go play dog-mom to Thing 1 and Thing 2 downstairs before they have a spaz.
I am trying to mash it all into something coherent before I turn into Rant-A-Saurus-Wrecks.
Just one moment or two.
Upcoming will be an open letter to Kevin Smith, waxing poetic on Wil Wheaton, and the usual LSG yammering that I bore the crap out of my friends and frenemies on Ravelry with.
At the moment, I have to go play dog-mom to Thing 1 and Thing 2 downstairs before they have a spaz.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
VaginaBikeTaxi Love Wank
# vagina-bike-broke-as-fuck
# vagina-bike-case-study
# vagina-bike-fatass
# vagina-bike-hospice
# vagina-bike-math-goddess
# vagina-bike-side-note
# vagina-bike-taxes
# vagina-bike-wtf
# vagina-cheese-fail
# vagina-fahrrad
# vagina-mouse
# vagina-win
# vaginaallergy
# vaginaamazinghumantalenttaxi
# vaginaapogogytaxi
# vaginabarftaxi
# vaginabicycledildo
# vaginabikavaginasoap
# vaginabike-on-the-moor
# vaginabikealamohoars
# vaginabikealoneonvday
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# vaginabikebeadsqueeeeeeeee
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# vaginabikes
# vaginabikesaveme
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# vaginabikesillyrap
# vaginabikesmellybuttcrack
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# vaginabikesnowglobe
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# vaginabikestopsleepingonthegoddamncouch
# vaginabikestripperblog
# vaginabikesurgery
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# vaginajoanjetttaxi
# vaginamemories
# vaginamissingtaxi
# vaginanewbiketaxi
# vaginapeentaxi
# vaginapissedofftaxi
# vaginapissedthefuckofftaxi
# vaginayoucantcookforshittaxi
# vaginebiketaxidreams
# vagingacaturine
# vaginiabikebakingbread
# vagina-bike-broke-as-fuck
# vagina-bike-case-study
# vagina-bike-fatass
# vagina-bike-hospice
# vagina-bike-math-goddess
# vagina-bike-side-note
# vagina-bike-taxes
# vagina-bike-wtf
# vagina-cheese-fail
# vagina-fahrrad
# vagina-mouse
# vagina-win
# vaginaallergy
# vaginaamazinghumantalenttaxi
# vaginaapogogytaxi
# vaginabarftaxi
# vaginabicycledildo
# vaginabikavaginasoap
# vaginabike-on-the-moor
# vaginabikealamohoars
# vaginabikealoneonvday
# vaginabikearizona
# vaginabikeartwork
# vaginabikebassnectarpixiesremix
# vaginabikebeadsqueeeeeeeee
# vaginabikebike
# vaginabikebirthday
# vaginabikeboobcramp
# vaginabikeboozemobile
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# vaginabikecakefrog
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# vaginabikecelerysticks
# vaginabikechaos
# vaginabikecharity
# vaginabikeclusterfuck
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# vaginabikecrebuttal
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# vaginabikedecendinglikelocusts
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# vaginabikedivorce
# vaginabikedogshow
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# vaginabikedumbasstween
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# vaginabikemusic
# vaginabikeneckwarmer
# vaginabikeoldmasters
# vaginabikeolympics
# vaginabikeolypmian
# vaginabikepeen
# vaginabikepetition
# vaginabikephlegm
# vaginabikepickle
# vaginabikepissup
# vaginabikeplantgrowth
# vaginabikepolygamy
# vaginabikepuppy
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# vaginabikes
# vaginabikesaveme
# vaginabikesexwithstrangers
# vaginabikeshetland
# vaginabikeshutthefuckup
# vaginabikesillyrap
# vaginabikesmellybuttcrack
# vaginabikesnot
# vaginabikesnowglobe
# vaginabikespaceship
# vaginabikesperminator
# vaginabikestopsleepingonthegoddamncouch
# vaginabikestripperblog
# vaginabikesurgery
# vaginabikesurprisevd
# vaginabikeswampfieldcowl
# vaginabikesweaterpuppies
# vaginabiketaki
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# vaginabikevalentines
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# vaginabikeyarntaxi
# vaginabikzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
# vaginacracks
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# vaginaexercisebiketaxi
# vaginafoodtaxi
# vaginafuckyoutaxi
# vaginahairtaxi
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# vaginajoanjetttaxi
# vaginamemories
# vaginamissingtaxi
# vaginanewbiketaxi
# vaginapeentaxi
# vaginapissedofftaxi
# vaginapissedthefuckofftaxi
# vaginayoucantcookforshittaxi
# vaginebiketaxidreams
# vagingacaturine
# vaginiabikebakingbread
I went NETWORK on the Idiots Downstairs
UPDATE: It seems that I actually saved a few lives last night by calling the cops.
When I got back from the store this morning, Douchecanoe's now ex-girlfriend THANKED ME for calling the police.
That was totally unexpected, but now I am REALLY glad I did.
Douchecanoe was INSANELY drunk...to the point of trying to kill on of her friends with a fucking machete.
He said he wanted to hurt her too.
I didn't know ANY of this shit when I called the cops, I was just pissed off because he was being a loud asshole at 2am.
I called my mom and thanked her for raising me to have balls enough to do the right thing.
What kind of a moron would wake me up at 1 fucking 45 in the morning for ANY reason other than the house is burning down?
I'll tell you what kind of moron, the kind that is drunk mindless on Jack "ASSHOLE IN A BOTTLE" Daniels.
By the time these fools were about to get into a brawl, I called the cops.
Sorry folks, but there are some things in life that I WILL NOT put up with, and didn't.
I didn't even know about the HUGE hole they put in the wall last night.

The landlord is in the hospital or he would have flipped his shit on them last night before I ever got a chance.
When he finds out about that CRATER in the wall, he is going to blow a gasket.
Glad I had nothing to do with it.
(edit because I am an idiot that can't post a picture correctly on the first try.)
When I got back from the store this morning, Douchecanoe's now ex-girlfriend THANKED ME for calling the police.
That was totally unexpected, but now I am REALLY glad I did.
Douchecanoe was INSANELY drunk...to the point of trying to kill on of her friends with a fucking machete.
He said he wanted to hurt her too.
I didn't know ANY of this shit when I called the cops, I was just pissed off because he was being a loud asshole at 2am.
I called my mom and thanked her for raising me to have balls enough to do the right thing.
What kind of a moron would wake me up at 1 fucking 45 in the morning for ANY reason other than the house is burning down?
I'll tell you what kind of moron, the kind that is drunk mindless on Jack "ASSHOLE IN A BOTTLE" Daniels.
By the time these fools were about to get into a brawl, I called the cops.
Sorry folks, but there are some things in life that I WILL NOT put up with, and didn't.
I didn't even know about the HUGE hole they put in the wall last night.

The landlord is in the hospital or he would have flipped his shit on them last night before I ever got a chance.
When he finds out about that CRATER in the wall, he is going to blow a gasket.
Glad I had nothing to do with it.
(edit because I am an idiot that can't post a picture correctly on the first try.)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Now Why Don't She Write?
Deal with it...I write when I feel like it.
Depression has been kicking my ass, but I am working on dealing with it.
As much as I swore Hell would FREEZE OVER before I started Tweeting, y'all better buy some ice-skates.
Most of the time I am offline I am either geeking out to Bioshock 2, Dragon Age, Overlord, or I am reading a book.
Book reviews will be forthcoming.
Depression has been kicking my ass, but I am working on dealing with it.
As much as I swore Hell would FREEZE OVER before I started Tweeting, y'all better buy some ice-skates.
Most of the time I am offline I am either geeking out to Bioshock 2, Dragon Age, Overlord, or I am reading a book.
Book reviews will be forthcoming.
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